Fertilizer Info.

Nutrient and Element that are Essential to Aquatic Plants were utiilised into the making of AquaGloom liquid Fertilizers.

Nexus GLOOM ( "MACRO" ) Nutrients Content are :

:- Potassium
:- Nitrogen
:- Phosphate
:- Magnesium
:- Calcium
:- Chloride
:- Sulphate

Nexus Trace ("MICRO" ) Elements Content are:

:- Iron (in DTPA-stable in wider range of PH condition)
:- Maganese
:- Zinc
:- Boron
:- Molybydum
:- Cobalt
:- Copper (in Minute Trace- amount not harmfull to Shrimp)


Sunday, February 27, 2011

Product: Nexus TRACE (MIcro Nutrients) Fertilizer

The Nexus TRACE (Micro Nutrients) Fertilizer was  formulated to provide all Necessary and Essential TRACE Element to feed the daily needs of all aquatic plants.

The Solution is made from a Renounce and Popular US formulation, including enhancement from our very own ingredients, a combination to create more stable and useful formula. It provides all trace element needed with a longer Shelf-life.

Static Live beneficial bacteria weree added which proves useful to aquatic fauna and plants amd is known  that such bacterial will make the water clearer and prevent algae growth..

Recommended Dosage (Best effect on Matured Aquarium:-
Daily or Alternate Days
2 Feet Tank:- 2 to 5 ml
3 Feet Tank:- 5 to 10 ml
4 Feet Tank:- 10 to 15 ml

Dosage recommended for Medium to Heavy (50% to 80%) planted Aquarium.
Reduce Dosage for Lightly planted or Newly Start-up Aquarium.
 For Shrimp Tank. use Minimum dosage.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Product: Nexus Gloom (Macro-Elements) Liquid Fertiliser

Nexus GLOOM (Marco-Elements) Liquid Fertiliser are created from Top Range "Fertiliser Grade" material without toxic contamination resulting in  SAFE and STABLE (longer shelf-life) solution, Even in Shrimp Tank (Many Hobbist have tested)

Additional agent are added to  slow down the release of Nitrogen into the water column  making Nitrogen available to plants throughout the day. This process is achieved by utilising the natural Enzyme-Cycle (reacting with the Agent) occurring in all Aquarium.

Stronger Calcium and Potassium are Add added to Boost better Colours and vitality to your Aqarium Greens.

These Chemicals are combined at a proportionate amount to Eliminate Precipitation and Sludge. Only residue could occur due to concentration and temperature fluctuation - Potency is not Compromised..

Recommended Dosage (Best effect on Matured Aquarium:-
Daily or Alternate Days
2 Feet Tank:- 5 to 10 ml
3 Feet Tank:- 10 to 20 ml
4 Feet Tank:- 20 to 30 ml

Dosage recommended for Medium to Heavy (50% to 80%) planted Aquarium.
Reduce Dosage for Lightly planted or Newly Start-up Aquarium or
Cube Shrimp Tank.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

New Product Offer

Introductory Offer:-

Order Through Email : Buy 3 get one free

Kindly contact::-
Anson Cao <My Email> or
Victor Yeo <quake2525@hotmial.com>
